Exploring the Relationship between Social Networks and Health Behaviour Change


  • Abdul Ahad Principal, Central India College of Business Management and Studies, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Milind Barhate Principal, C.P& Berar College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Surendra S Jogi Department of Management Studies, J. D. College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Manoj B Pandey MBA Department, Jhulelal Institute of Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Mahesh Chopde Department of Management, Science and Research, G. S. College of Commerce and Economics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
  • Manoj Kumar Rao Department of Management Studies, J. D. College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Social Networks, Health Behaviour Change, Interpersonal Influence, Public Health Interventions


This study intends to enlighten the significant effect of social associations on people's wellbeing related choices and activities. It digs into the complicated connection between interpersonal organizations and changes in wellbeing conduct, utilizing a complex way to deal with disentangle the cycles through which relational connections can either work with or upset changes in wellbeing conduct. Perceiving the unavoidable impact of informal communities on shaping human way of behaving, particularly in the domain of wellbeing, our exploration investigates designs that highlight the meaning of these organizations as channels for wellbeing data, emotionally supportive networks, and wellsprings of social impact. By leading a careful evaluation of existing writing and experimental investigation, we recognize bunches inside interpersonal organizations showing different examples of wellbeing conduct. This comprehensive request envelops different wellbeing ways of behaving, including way of life decisions like nourishment and exercise, as well as adherence to clinical suggestions and preventive measures. Using information from a delegate test, we perceive the job of organization structure in one or the other cultivating or obstructing the movement of wellbeing related changes. Besides, our examination dives into the fleeting elements of social effect, taking into account how the advancement of informal communities after some time lines up with the improvement of enhancements in wellbeing related ways of behaving. The experiences got from this study are urgent for planning designated intercessions that influence interpersonal organizations as impetuses for positive wellbeing results. Upgrading the viability of general wellbeing endeavors and mediations is reachable through a comprehensive way to deal with further developing populace wellbeing and prosperity. This involves figuring out the mind boggling connection between interpersonal organizations and the change of wellbeing ways of behaving.




How to Cite

Ahad, A., Barhate, M., Jogi, S. S., Pandey, M. B., Chopde, M., & Rao, M. K. (2023). Exploring the Relationship between Social Networks and Health Behaviour Change. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 53–67. Retrieved from http://seejph.com/index.php/seejph/article/view/441




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