
  • Prajakta Jayant Nande




Bovine colostrum, Bovine colostrum secreted by the cow’s udder is sterile but due to its high nutrient content, it can be good microbiological growth substrate for contaminating bacteria. The aim of this study was to conduct microbiological analysis analysis, sensory of fresh colostrum of cow, to use steamed colostrum of cowinstead of paneer in Indian recipes like burfi evaluation, burfi, and pakoda, to evaluate sensory quality of recipes and to calculate nutritive value of recipes. Microbial pakoda. contamination can commonly originate from inside the udder, external sources, and the surfaces of equipment used in the handling and storage of colostrum.Potential risks associated with microbial contamination of bovine colostrum include foodborne diseases, reduced immune system functions, transmission of infectious diseasesand decreased milk quality.For microbiological examination of cow colostrum, 15 samples of first day’s colostrum from the breed of Sahiwal were taken and stored in sterile bags. These mixed colostrum samples were analyzed for Streptococcus spp, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Lactobacillus spp, and Salmonella spp using standard procedures. Also,total plate count, spore count, coliforms and yeast was analyzed. Bacteriology for colony-forming units per gram (cfu/g) of raw bovine colostrum samples showed the presence of Lactobacillus spp (2.3 x 103), Moulds Aspergillus (<10), Total plate count (3.2 x 104), aerobic spore count (2.5 x 101), anaerobic spore count (<10), thermophillic spore count (<10), mesophillic spore count (2.5 x 101), coliform (5.2 x 103) and yeast (<10). But Salmonella and Bacillus aureus were not detected in the samples. For development of recipes like burfi and pakoda, bovine colostrum was steamed and then it was incorporated. Control recipes were prepared using paneer which was replaced by steamed bovine colostrum in experimental recipes. Products were standardized for their evenness andpalatability examination was carried by six trained jurors in three trails. Nutritive value of recipes was determined. Food products designed using cow colostrum were approved for appearance, colour, doneness, texture, flavor and taste in comparison with control recipes at both 5% & 1% levels (p>0.05). Bovine colostrum burfi received the mean scores of 9.88 for appearance, 10 for colour, 9.55 for texture, 9.77 for mouthfeel, 9.88 for flavour, 10 for taste and 9.88 for acceptability. The mean scores obtained for bovine colostrum pakoda included 10 each for appearance, color, texture, mouthfeel, flavor and acceptability whereas the score was 9.77 for taste. Bovine colostrum burfi and pakoda were found energy dense (309 and 404 kcal/100 g, respectively). These two products were found to be high in protein (burfi-13.72 and pakoda-7.50 g/100 g) and fat (burfi-22.39 and pakoda-37.14 g/100 g). To prevent microbial contamination of bovine colostrum, it's essential to maintain proper hygiene, careful handling, using sterile containers, washing hands thoroughly, and applying appropriate heat treatment.




How to Cite

Nande, P. J. (2024). MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF BOVINE COLOSTRUM AND ORGANOLEPTIC EVALUATION OF BOVINE COLOSTRUM RECIPES. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 125–138. https://doi.org/10.70135/seejph.vi.3162


