Evaluating the Effectiveness of Innovative Models of Care in Family Medicine: A Comparative Analysis of Health Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction


  • Manuel Franco-Ariasm Programa de Ingeniería Biomédica - Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • María Belén Espíndola Lara Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
  • Lucy Maria Padilla Torres Universidad Metropolitana
  • Samuel Olegario Iñiguez Jiménez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Center for Research on Health in Latin America (CISeAL)




Innovative Models Family Medicine Health Outcomes Patient Satisfaction Medical Care


Medical care in the context of family medicine has evolved with the implementation of innovative models that seek to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction. This study evaluated the effectiveness of these models through a comparative analysis of health outcomes and patient satisfaction levels in different contexts. A comparative observational study was conducted with 200 participants divided between those who received traditional care and those under innovative models. The results indicated significant improvements in patient satisfaction and in several health indicators in the innovative models. This study suggests that the implementation of new models of care can be an effective strategy to improve care in family medicine.




How to Cite

Franco-Ariasm, M., Lara, M. B. E., Torres, L. M. P., & Jiménez, S. O. I. (2024). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Innovative Models of Care in Family Medicine: A Comparative Analysis of Health Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction. South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.70135/seejph.vi.1097


